don’t take Shortcuts

5 mins read

Creatives beware! I have some great news and some not so great news… 

Let’s start with the not so great: There is no such thing as a short cut to being great at what you do.

You might know someone that makes executing their craft look easy, but unless they were a child prodigy or a certified genius, I assure you they have spent years making it look effortless. 

I recently met a teacher at a party and told him I was an artist. Naturally he wanted to see my paintings. He looked through my phone at my work and the last image was a digital drawing (it's a self-portrait and pretty good if I say so myself).

Then he said “After seeing that portrait, I want an iPad” 

“Oh, that’s great” I say “but I thought you were an English teacher, do you draw?”

To which he says… “No” 😐

Immediately I know exactly what’s going on in his head. He believed that the digital tools were going to help him cut down the work needed to become great at art.

If only he knew, there is no shortcut. 

Only weeks, months and maybe years of effort to get to where he wants to be.

“What about AI?” I hear you say… 🤖

It’s true that AI can give you the gloss and even out right fool people that you are top of your game with the stuff you can create these days.

I’ve got no issue with AI myself, I’m just saying that taking a ‘short cut’ will eventually expose you in the end. It’s just a question of when.

And the good news?

  • By going the distance, you gain access to a personal education so deep it can’t be found on any course.

  • Your foundations are strong and you can build and build. 

  • Your imposter syndrome levels will be minimal to none.

  • And you could even teach and guide the next generation if you wanted to.

For those still considering taking ‘short cuts’ I ask you this…? How would you feel knowing that your surgeon or pilot took a ‘shortcut’ during their training?

I’ll admit it, taking the long route is more boring. But you’ll be richer in the long run. And who doesn’t want to be rich?

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Natasha Awuku

Award Winning Artist & Musician


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